TBDT – Low Density Tourism Territories

These funds are designed to reinforce the company’s financial capability through the acquisition of properties allocated to the tourism sector, which are constituted as tourist enterprises or locations where tourist entertainment activities are carried out. These properties are designated for subsequent lease to the same company or to a third party, normally accompanied by the reservation of use, and option to purchase these same properties by the lessee companies.


Portugal Tourism – 100%100%

Investment Policy

  1. TBDT’s investment policy is specifically geared towards the acquisition of properties for the purpose of leasing them out for tourist activities, or activities that show they are correlated with the former. The Fund may also directly carry out works to improve, expand and requalify the properties in the portfolio, as well as indemnify the promisor, or tenants, for improvements made to the properties in the portfolio (subject to the fund’s liquidity);
  2. The properties, to be acquired by TBDT funds, must have specific characteristics that allow them to contribute towards promoting the development, dynamization and sustainability of local economies in low-density areas, thereby contributing to job creation, as well as reducing regional asymmetries and reducing seasonal demand for these territories;
  3. The properties to be acquired by TBDT funds may be urban buildings or autonomous units in urban, mixed or rustic buildings, and held as property rights, surface rights, or through other rights with equivalent content.
  4. The properties to be acquired by TBDT funds must be located in a low-density territory, identified as such in Annex III to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 72/2016, on October 20th, which approved the National Program for Territorial Cohesion (PNCT), added by the Council of Ministers Resolution nº 116/2018, on September 6th and currently known as the Interior Enhancement Program.

Currently, the Fund has no liquidity available for investment.


Properties available for sale or rent:

De momento sem nenhum imóvel para venda ou arrendamento.

Leased properties:

Hotel & Spa Alfândega da Fé

Hotel | Hotel
Alfandega Da Fé

Cellorico – Country House

Turismo no Espaço Rural | Tourism in the Rural Area
Celorico Da Beira

Quinta do Espinheiro

Hotel | Hotel

Évora Farm Hotel & SPA

Hotel | Hotel

Spatia Comporta

Hotel | Hotel

Story Studio Monsanto

Hotel | Hotel

Historic Moura Palace

Turismo de Habitação | Residential Tourism

Houses of Vigia

Turismo no Espaço Rural | Tourism in the Rural Area

Story Studio Piodão

Hotel | Hotel

Story Studio Sortelha

Hotel | Hotel

Serpa Hotel

Hotel | Hotel

Hotel do Caramulo

Hotel | Hotel

Aldeia da Pedralva

Aldeamento Turístico | Touristic Village
Vila Do Bispo